Save 9 500 € per year per employee!

This is what IWG concludes in its latest internal study on hybrid working (read the article, in french, here). But this implies changes, and the use of the right tools to analyze, measure and optimize the workspaces usage. Twinsys can support you to make this transformation a success!
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Newsletter Twinsys – July & August 2022


In the spotlight of this new edition, the summer continues with our participation in the Big Tour 2022 organized by BPI France in Perros-Guirec on August 25, a look back at « l’instant Tech #Lannion » which paints a portrait of an innovative company in the territory every week, finally, we look forward to seeing you on September 22 and 23 in La Baule for the Think Forward Festival.

Olivier Le Fol, CEO@Twinsys

The Big Tour 2022

For the Big Tour 2022 on August 25, the city of Perros Guirec, BPI France and the communities of the French Fab, the French Tech, the French Touch, and the Climate, invited us to the digital program ‘Vive ta ville’ to talk about our activity, and the subjects that are important to us such as entrepreneurship, innovation and corporate social and societal responsibility.

Watch the interview by clicking on the link below.

See the video (in French)

L’instant Tech #Lannion: Twinsys in a nutshell!

The Anticipa Technopole in Lannion, our historical partner, gave us the opportunity to pitch on our activity and to recall how Anticipa supported us during the creation of our company.

See the video (in French)

The Think Forward Festival

On September 22 and 23, Twinsys will be in La Baule city, as part of the Think Forward Festival, the economic forecasting event, bringing together hundreds of decision-makers and influencers. This year’s theme will be “accelerating transformations”.

Meet us in the Open Innovation space to discuss new hybrid working methods and their impact on real estate.

Learn more (in French)